Christ Supreme in His Glory

On the Mountain of Mark Chapter 9 we see the supremecy of Christ in His Glory.
The faith of these 3 disciples would be inspired not by self but by a Glorious Vision of a Glorious Christ. They would appreciate:

  1. Purity of His Person (9:3)
  2. Pointers and prophecies to His Coming (9:4)

  3. Power of God in His Ministry (9:7)

  4. Personal Experience of the Presence of Christ (9:8)

Purity of His Person (9:3)

  1. exceeding white as snow” - beyond nature

  2. no fuller” - beyond humanity

  3. on earth” - beyond earth

In His ministry the Saviour displayed a Righteousness and Purity beyond the normal, consider in particular the ministry of the Saviour on the subjects of:

  1. Murder (Matt 5:21-22)

  2. Adultery (Matt 5:27-28)

  3. Hypocrisy (Matt 6:5;16)

  4. Love (Matt 6:38ff)

  5. Justice (Matt 7:2)

Consider the verdict of His contemporaries on His Person:

  • 3 X Pontius Pilate would say: “I find no fault in Him

  • In Him is no sin” - Johns verdict

  • He knew no sin” - Pauls verdict

  • He did no sin” - Peters verdict

  1. Pointers and prophecies to His Coming (9:4)

Both Moses and Elijah pointed forward to the coming of Christ. Consider just how many pointers and prophecies there were in the Old Testament scriptures to the coming person of Christ:

  1. Time of His coming (Dan 9)

  2. Place of His coming (Micah 5:2)

  3. Means of His Coming – the virgin womb (Isa 7:14)

  4. Purpose of His coming (Isa 53; Psalm 40)

  5. The declaration of His coming by John the Baptist (Isa 40)

  6. His Deity (Isa 40:3,9; Isa 7:14; Psalm 45; 110)

  7. He would open the eyes of the blind (Isa 9:2; 35:5; 42:16)

  8. He would open the ears of the deaf (Isa 35:5)

  9. His betrayal for 30 pieces of silver (Zech 11:12), by His friend (Ps41:9); after breaking bread (Ps 41:9), the betrayer would be called Judas (Gen 37); the ransom price used to buy the potters field (Zech 11:13)

  10. He would be whipped and beaten (Ps129:3)

  11. He would die with criminals (Isa 53:9)

  12. He would die by crucifixion (Ps22)

  13. He would be crucified by gentiles (Ps22)

  14. No bone would be broken (Ps 34:20; Ex 12:46)

  15. Details of His sufferings in death (Ps 22; Ps 69; Isa 53; Zech 11)

  16. Placed in the grave of a rich man (Isa 53:9)

  17. He would spend 3 days and nights in the grave (Jonah 1:17)

  18. Raised again from the dead (Psalm 16)

  1. Power of God in His Ministry (9:7)

The voice of Divine approval was not only to be heard on the mountain but right the way through the ministry of the person of Christ. For He is the Son of God! He is God! My Lord and my God...” said Thomas. Not only did He claim to be God but He convinced men that He was God! He showed by His miracles and words and resurrection that He was who He said He was!
  1. Personal Experience of the Presence of Christ (9:8)

By the end of this Glorious Vision of a Glorious Christ the disciples were left with "Jesus only with themselves." The same experience is ours! The experience of the daily personal power and reassurance of a living relationship with Him! The secret of the believers strength!

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