On the Mountain of Mark Chapter 9 we see the supremecy of Christ in His Glory.
The faith of these 3 disciples would be inspired not by self but by a Glorious Vision of a Glorious Christ. They would appreciate:
- Purity of His Person (9:3)
Pointers and prophecies to His Coming (9:4)
Power of God in His Ministry (9:7)
Personal Experience of the Presence of Christ (9:8)
“exceeding white as snow” - beyond nature
“no fuller” - beyond humanity
“on earth” - beyond earth
In His ministry the Saviour displayed a Righteousness and Purity beyond the normal, consider in particular the ministry of the Saviour on the subjects of:
Murder (Matt 5:21-22)
Adultery (Matt 5:27-28)
Hypocrisy (Matt 6:5;16)
Love (Matt 6:38ff)
Justice (Matt 7:2)
Consider the verdict of His contemporaries on His Person:
3 X Pontius Pilate would say: “I find no fault in Him”
“In Him is no sin” - Johns verdict
“He knew no sin” - Pauls verdict
“He did no sin” - Peters verdict
Pointers and prophecies to His Coming (9:4)
Time of His coming (Dan 9)
Place of His coming (Micah 5:2)
Means of His Coming – the virgin womb (Isa 7:14)
Purpose of His coming (Isa 53; Psalm 40)
The declaration of His coming by John the Baptist (Isa 40)
His Deity (Isa 40:3,9; Isa 7:14; Psalm 45; 110)
He would open the eyes of the blind (Isa 9:2; 35:5; 42:16)
He would open the ears of the deaf (Isa 35:5)
His betrayal for 30 pieces of silver (Zech 11:12), by His friend (Ps41:9); after breaking bread (Ps 41:9), the betrayer would be called Judas (Gen 37); the ransom price used to buy the potters field (Zech 11:13)
He would be whipped and beaten (Ps129:3)
He would die with criminals (Isa 53:9)
He would die by crucifixion (Ps22)
He would be crucified by gentiles (Ps22)
No bone would be broken (Ps 34:20; Ex 12:46)
Details of His sufferings in death (Ps 22; Ps 69; Isa 53; Zech 11)
Placed in the grave of a rich man (Isa 53:9)
He would spend 3 days and nights in the grave (Jonah 1:17)
Raised again from the dead (Psalm 16)
Power of God in His Ministry (9:7)
Personal Experience of the Presence of Christ (9:8)